The Danube Swabians

Germans in southeastern Europe

Loan exhibition with 24 displays

An entertaining overview of the past and present of Germans in Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Croatia. With many pictures, the exhibition tells of emigration and arrival, of building up and living together, of war and flight, of customs and festivals, denominations and linguistic diversity in the multiethnic central Danube region.

Exhibition texts

The exhibition texts are in German with short English versions.

Exhibition technology

The exhibition consists of 24 display elements measuring 85 x 210 cm. The number of displays can be reduced depending on the space available; the minimum number is 13 displays. Each element is packed in its own bag, the 24 bags are easy to transport. The individual display elements can be set up quickly and easily.

Loan Conditions

Associations and institutions can borrow the traveling exhibition free of charge. The exhibition can be transported with a normal car. A loan agreement is concluded for the loan.

Contact Person

Please inform yourself about the exhibition at (0731) 96 254-115.