Sathmar and the Sathmar Swabians
Rental exhibition with 18 displays
The Danube Swabian Central Museum and the cultural advisor for Southeast Europe have realized an exhibition on the Sathmar area. The exhibition shows the development of the area from the beginning to the present. The Sathmar Swabian settlement area is one of the Danube Swabian settlement areas. In the north the region is bordered by the Oaş Mountains and in the east by the Igniş Mountains, both parts of the Eastern Carpathians. To the south, the Silvaniei and Sălajer Mountains separate the country from Transylvania. To the west, the region includes the wide valleys of the Somesch and Tisza rivers. Romanians, Germans, Hungarians, Jews, Roma and Ruthenians have lived in the small region for centuries. In this predominantly rural area, the cultural forms of expression – be it in architecture, clothing or language – have survived across borders and for a surprisingly long time. Germans in the Sathmar area were first confirmed by the privilege of King Andrew II in 1230. The county was incorporated as part of the Principality of Transylvania in 1691 and 1699 into the Habsburgs and the Kingdom of Hungary. Between 1712 and 1832, German farmers who were predominantly Catholic were settled here in 32 communities. Like many other areas, the Sathmarer Land was shaped by its multi-ethnic and multi-denomination. In addition to Orthodox Romanians and Reformed Hungarians, there are Roman Catholic as well as Evangelical Lutheran religious communities.
Exhibition texts
The exhibition texts are in German.
Poster / leaflet
Additional information material such as leaflets provide information about the exhibition.
Exhibition technology
The exhibition consists of 18 display elements measuring 90 x 220 cm. Each item is packed in its own bag. The individual display elements can be set up quickly and easily.
The exhibition was realized by the Danube Swabian Central Museum Ulm, the cultural advisor for Southeast Europe and the Sathmar Swabian Landsmannschaft.
Loan Conditions
The insurance value of the exhibition is 18,000 euros. Associations and institutions can borrow the traveling exhibition free of charge. The exhibition can be transported with a normal car. A loan agreement is concluded for borrowing.
Contact Person
Please inform yourself about the exhibition at (0731) 96 254-115.