Faith turned into stone
Ecclesiastical architecture in the Banat in the 18th century
Rental exhibition with 20 displays
The Danube Swabian Central Museum and the cultural advisor for Southeast Europe designed and implemented an exhibition on the architecture of eighteenth-century church buildings in the Banat. The exhibition shows both the history of the origins of the sacred architecture of the Banat and the current situation of the monuments. For the first time, an overview of the topic is presented, which is one of the most important characteristics of the Banat cultural landscape. It is based on modern architectural photos that correspond to historical recordings as well as plan and map material.
Exhibition texts
The exhibition texts are in German. A brochure accompanying the exhibition has been published in Romanian.
Poster / leaflet
Additional information material such as leaflets and posters provide information about the exhibition.
Exhibition technology
The exhibition consists of 20 display elements measuring 90 x 220. Each element is packed in its own bag, the 20 bags are easy to transport. The individual display elements can be set up quickly and easily.
The realization of the exhibition is thanks to numerous sponsors and helpers. The Donauschwäbische Kultur-Stiftung des Landes Baden-Württemberg, the Landsmannschaft der Ba-nater Schwaben, the Landsmannschaft der Donauschwaben and the Sparkasse Ulm have contributed to this.
The exhibition was held in 2004 in Berlin (German Bundestag, Embassy of Romania in Berlin), Ulm (Danube Hall, Danube Swabian Central Museum), Altötting (pilgrimage church), Timisoara (cathedral church 'St. Georg', Adam-Müller-Guttenbrunn-Haus), Bucharest (Village Museum) and in Re-schitza (Museum of the Banat Hills). In 2005 it was shown in Satu Mare (historical museum), Waldkraiburg (town hall), Göppingen (town hall), Fürth (town hall), Sinsheim (town hall) and in Regensburg (diocesan museum).
Loan Conditions
The insurance value of the exhibition is 10,000 euros. Associations and institutions can borrow the traveling exhibition free of charge. The exhibition can be transported with a normal car. A loan agreement is concluded for borrowing.
Contact Person
Please inform yourself about the exhibition at (0731) 96 254-115.
Other rental exhibitions
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20 displays in German / accompanying brochure in Croatian