Student Project
about identity in a multicultural environment
As part of the “Culture makes you strong” program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, which supports educationally disadvantaged young people, the DZM carried out this project from 2013 to 2015 together with the Ulm Adalbert Stifter Community School and the Arbeiterwohlfahrt (Ulm District Association).
For a year, students artistically explored their identity and multiculturalism. In the museum they got to know the world of Danube Swabian children and adolescents. They slipped into other roles and thus experienced new room for maneuver. The teenagers created touching photographs and texts about themselves, which will then be integrated into the special exhibition “Gyula the swap child – childhood and youth among the Danube Swabians”.
At the same time, but in a completely different way, Hungarian teenagers dealt with their own identity. They were students of the Margit Kovács Technical School for Handicrafts (Kovács Margit Iparművészeti Szakközépiskola és Szakiskola) in Győr. For a year they followed the task of finding what was their own and processing it creatively. The works of art created in this way were also exhibited.
The results were published in children’s worlds along the Danube.