Cultural diversity in the Danube region
Setting the course for the future
The “Cultural Diversity in the Danube Region” project has been running since July 2019. It is set to run for three and a half years and is funded by the Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media. Accompanying the redesign of the permanent exhibition (DZM 2021 project), the project in the field of cultural mediation is intended to set the course for the future: It enables the museum to do justice to two current developments.
The DZM is faced with the task of conveying the history of the German minority in south-eastern Europe to social groups that have no (longer) biographical connection to the Danube Swabians. In addition, migration, cultural diversity and multiethnic coexistence, but also political pressure, exclusion and discrimination, flight and displacement are still topics of social relevance today.
As part of the project, the DZM is developing and testing new digital and analog communication formats and integrating them into future museum work. With this, the DZM wants to open up to new groups of visitors and reach a more international audience.
Objectives of the project:
- Lively and true-to-life communication of Danube Swabian history and culture to the following generations of refugees, displaced persons or late repatriates among the Danube Swabians
- Development of new groups of visitors – especially people with a migration background from the city and region
- Development and provision of digital offers in order to make the museum’s offerings accessible from outside as well (keyword: “virtual visitors”)
- Conception, development, testing and dissemination of offers on the past and present in social networks and classic AV and print media; Associated with this: reorganization of the external image and public relations