Danube - an artist's journeyto the Black Sea
Drawings and photographsby Willi Weiner and David Willen
02/26/05 - 05/29/05
Willi Weiner, who has been dealing with the subject of water for a long time, and David Willen, who dealt with the central perspective in his last major work “Fluchten”, found the Danube to be an artistic challenge that both were equally enthusiastic about. In August 2002 the two artists started their journey from Donaueschingen. Her artistic intention was not to create a further documentation about this river, but rather her interest was in finding a river as it has not been shown as a representation in drawings or photographs so far. Willi Weiner was equipped with blue-shaved, large-format Japanese papers and David Willen with the Synar plate camera. The trip was completed in May 2003 when the Danube Delta was reached.