River and people. Depart and arrive.Welcome to the Danube Swabian Central Museum in Ulm!


Permanent and special exhibitions in the DZM and abroad


Departure and encounter | Permanent exhibition

River stories

Danube | permanent exhibition


Events and public tours in the DZM and abroad


Our offers at a glance

Group tours

Special offers for groups

Children and families

Experience, tinker, play

Exhibitions to borrow

Informative, flexible, transportable

School in the museum

Guided tours and workshops

Rent rooms

For meetings and events

Forum “Migration connects”

International forum in the DZM

One museum two exhibitions

A museum building tells history

Contemporary witnesses tell

In autumn 2017, a film team interviewed 20 Danube Swabian contemporary witnesses in southern Germany and the Danube region. The generation experienced during World War II and the post-war years as well as their children and grandchildren had their say. A comprehensive documentation was created about the life paths and perspectives of several generations. The four-part film series shows an excerpt from this documentation.

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